Scrap Metal

Take to Landfill

Recycle scrap metal at a landfill or transfer station in SLO County. Several local businesses accept scrap metal for recycling.

Kegs are also included as scrap metal.

A-1 Metal & Auto Salvaging
5795 Stockdale Road, Paso Robles, CA | (805) 238-3545
Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm, Saturday 8am – 2pm
Map & Directions
Accepts all scrap metal, including large appliances and junk mail. Call first.

North County Recycling
3360 La Cruz Way, Templeton, CA | (805) 434-0043
Hours: Monday – Friday 7am – 4pm
Map & Directions
Accepts scrap metal. Fees apply.

SA Recycling 
5815 Stockdale Road, Paso Robles, CA | (805) 227-1090
Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm, Saturday 8am – 1pm
Map & Directions
Accepts scrap metal. Accepts cars. Accepts appliances for a fee. Call first.

Take It to a Scrapyard

You can take scrap metal to the landfill or a scrapyard. Scrapyards pay for new and old metal, which they can recycle into new material.


Separate Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals

Separate ferrous from non-ferrous metals before visiting a scrap yard. Ferrous metals include steel and iron, while non-ferrous metals are practically iron-free, such as brass, copper and aluminum. A good rule of thumb is that if a magnet sticks to metal, it’s ferrous, and if not, it’s non-ferrous.

Find Out What They Take

Try using the iScrap App to find local scrapyards and which metals and materials they accept. Items that are commonly accepted include metal tubing, wiring and assorted auto parts.

Did You Know?

How Much Scrap Metal the U.S. Recycles

On average, more than 250 billion pounds of scrap metal is recycled annually in the U.S. That’s the same weight as 70 million cars. With more recycled scrap metal in the market, less resources need to be mined because recycled metal can be used instead.

Guide to Recycling Scrap Metal

Want to recycle scrap metal but aren’t sure how to get started? Check out this complete guide for beginners.