Insulation (Loose-Fill Fiberglass)

Garbage Bin Take to Landfill

Loose (blown-in) insulation needs to be bagged for disposal.

When Handling, Stay Covered

Insulation can cause irritation or damage to your skin, eyes and lungs. In addition to thick work gloves, safety goggles and a dust mask, wear long, loose layers you don’t mind tossing afterward, and keep your head covered as well. If insulation touches your skin, don’t rub it. Wash it thoroughly instead.

Double Bag Insulation

Use thick, durable plastic bags, also known as contractor bags, to dispose of insulation. Once you’ve filled a bag, place it inside a second bag to keep it extra secure.

Ways to Reduce

Opt for a Greener Insulation

Natural fibers such as cotton and wool make excellent insulation that’s more eco-friendly than conventional fiberglass insulation. Paper or cellulose can also be used as insulation.

Ways to Reuse

Return to a Manufacturer

Fiberglass insulation manufacturers may accept used loose-fill fiberglass insulation for recycling.