Broken Glass Recycling Bin Recycle ONLY broken bottles and jars. Broken porcelain, ceramics, pyrex, glassware, window glass, picture frame glass, and mirror glass go in the garbage cart. Broken light bulbs should be put in the punture-proof containers and take to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Place small broken glass or ceramic items in a small plastic bag or wrap them in newspaper. Put large pieces of broken glass or ceramics inside two layers of plastic bags, and then label the bags as broken glass or ceramics. Large pieces that are in tact should be taken to the landfill. Do Not Recycle Broken Drink Glasses & Pyrex Broken stemware, other drink glasses, porcelain, and Pyrex cannot be recycled. These types of glass are made from mixed materials that will contaminate the glass recycling process for bottles and jars.